Returns & Exchange
For All Customers:
To start a return or exchange for your product(s), please let us know within 14 days of receiving your order. Simply send an email to with your order details, specifying if you're requesting a refund or an exchange.
Once we receive your return request, we’ll send you a confirmation email to confirm that we've received it and that it’s being processed. Please make sure to include your order number in all communications.
After notifying us about your return, please ship the product(s) back as soon as possible. All returns must be sent to the original dispatch location in Kyiv, Ukraine. Please note that the return shipping cost is the customer's responsibility.
Remember that the product(s) must be unused and in their original condition to qualify for a return. Additionally, taxes, duties, shipping, and return fees are non-refundable.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out at We're here to help and ensure you have a great shopping experience.
Additional Information for American Customers:
We’re happy to announce an improved return and exchange process for our customers in the U.S. Now, you can send returns directly to our warehouse in New York, making the process simpler and faster.
How to make a return or exchange:
1. Notifying us of a return: If you’d like to return or exchange a product, please notify us within 14 days of receiving your order. You can email us at with your order details and specify whether you are requesting a refund or an exchange. Don’t forget to include your order number in the email.
2. Please ship the product to the following address:
7529 Kemberton Ct
Nolensville, TN 37135
You are free to use any courier service that’s convenient for you. Please note that return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
We’ve introduced this process to make returns and exchanges easier for our American customers, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. This is part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a seamless shopping journey.
If you have any questions or need further clarification about the return process, feel free to contact us at We're always here to assist and make your experience with our brand as smooth as possible.